"It all goes back to that ethic of doing something useful, of being useful to the world."

— Maurice Hilleman

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As people across the country debate the causes and solutions, the problem of homelessness continues. In fact, we fear it will worsen given the economic effect from the pandemic and reduced commerce.

The Periphery Foundation devotes much attention to the lives caught up in this issue. We share their stories from across the country. We then give back to those willing to share—as well as to the cause in general.

Inner-city violence

The year 2020 was a year of great calls for racial equality. It was also an extremely violent year for black communities across the country. With a focus on Minneapolis, we’ve spent the past year giving voice to those affected by this epidemic and raising money for organizations trying to fight it.

Brandon’s journalism on this topic goes back to 2016, covering the work of support groups and other initiatives to reduce this fatal, growing problem.

Livestream with Minneapolis community leaders affected by—and addressing—the rising violence in the city, summer 2020.

Addressing overlooked issues—by helping one life at a time.

While some social issues dominate public discussion, we keep our
eyes on matters of crucial importance that remain in the periphery.

Both Bill’s and Carrie’s videos have done well, allowing for proceeds to go back to them.

Both Bill’s and Carrie’s videos have done well, allowing for proceeds to go back to them.

Interview to Income

Brandon’s interviews across the country—and beyond—have given several individuals a chance to reap the benefit of their YouTube stardom.

Proceeds gained from their interviews go right back to them.

As we continue to travel and hear others’ stories, this list of income earners will grow and grow, allowing the economic benefits of internet media to spread to them.

Kalistus’s story

Kalistus Chonya of Iringa, Tanzania was a school principal before COVID-19 hit his country. Needing another way to support his family, he reached out for help.

The Periphery Foundation provided $1250 (some in grants, some in a low-interest loan) to help him start his corn buying/selling operation. Kalistus is growing his business about 10% each shipment round he sells.

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What’s Next?

We have our own ideas. What are yours?

We are a consumer-driven entity. The views on YouTube indicate what people want, but we love to just hear it straight from you. What ideas for topics or people to feature to do you have? Click here to let us know.